The Reversal of Gender Gap in Learning: Why Boys Are Falling Behind in Upper Secondary Schools

Executive summaryThe global emphasis on addressing gender disparities in education has highlighted the importance of equitable academic achievement for policymakers, scholars, and the public. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have incorporated gender equity, emphasising the ongoing challenge of ensuring equal access to quality education worl...

SHARE LIBROS (Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems) Cambodia, Final Brief

This policy brief presents key findings from the technical report "Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems (LIBROS) in Cambodia". The study examined the perceived impacts, development, and implementing factors of the Track and Trace (TnT) system, a digital intervention implemented by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS)...

Empowering Women for Climate Resilience in Cambodia

Cambodia has experienced significant economic growth and improved living standards over the last two decades, and gender equality has also improved, especially on outcomes such as girls and women’s human capital accumulation in education. However, the impacts of climate change could put the hard-earned economic development gains including those of...

Profitability and Technical Efficiency of Chilli Farms in Cambodia

In this study, we examine the revenue, costs, profits and technical efficiency of chilli farms in Cambodia. We employ a representative sample of 542 chilli farming households from Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum and Kandal. The sample was randomly selected using a two-stage stratified sampling design, where...

Five Priorities for a Green and Inclusive Economic Transformation in Cambodia

During the First PAGE National Steering Committee in Cambodia, PAGE also presented a summary brief outlining five priorities that serves as a roadmap for policymakers and stakeholders to identify the obstacles and opportunities for fostering a green economic transition in Cambodia: Unlocking private and public finance More evidence on different...

Firms’ Perceptions of Obstacles to Business: The Case of Cambodia

This paper explores the factors affecting firms’ perception on how important barriers to innovation are in the case of Cambodia. In particular, the study aims to bring the characteristics of Cambodian enterprises to the fore, shedding light on two issues: what the characteristics associated with firm’s perceptions of barriers to their economic an...

LIBROS: Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems in Cambodia-Technical Study Report

Children in low-and middle-income countries often struggle to master foundational academic skills, such as reading, despite years of schooling. Quality learning materials are essential to addressing this issue. In this Learning to Improve Books Resource Operational Systems (LIBROS) study, we explore ways to enhance the primary-level book supply cha...

Changing Effects of Birth Order on Education Over Time: Evidence from Cambodia

Despite the vast literature on birth-order effects in developing countries, there has been little research on their long-term changes. This study uses three population censuses of Cambodia to investigate how birth order affects educational attainments and how its effects changed over time. We estimate regressions with family fixed effects and cohor...

Examining Improvements to Girls’ Education in Cambodia Through a Gender-Responsive Lens

The Cambodian government has been successful in raising girls’ enrolment and academic achievement in recent years, with girls’ enrolment reaching 100% in 2021 and girls outperforming boys in reading, writing and mathematics at Grade 5 level. While this is hugely encouraging for girls’ education in the country, these statistics alone do not help...

Climate Change and Migration Patterns: Findings at the Commune Level in Rural Provinces of Cambodia

Migration forces rural people to find more and better jobs, which is key in generating incomes to sustain livelihoods and ensure food security in times of environmental change. In addition to agricultural production, climate change affects health, water, and energy resources and causes migration and conflict. The impacts of climate change on me...