LIBROS: Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems in Cambodia-Technical Study Report

Children in low-and middle-income countries often struggle to master foundational academic skills, such as reading, despite years of schooling. Quality learning materials are essential to addressing this issue. In this Learning to Improve Books Resource Operational Systems (LIBROS) study, we explore ways to enhance the primary-level book supply cha...

Changing Effects of Birth Order on Education Over Time: Evidence from Cambodia

Despite the vast literature on birth-order effects in developing countries, there has been little research on their long-term changes. This study uses three population censuses of Cambodia to investigate how birth order affects educational attainments and how its effects changed over time. We estimate regressions with family fixed effects and cohor...

Examining Improvements to Girls’ Education in Cambodia Through a Gender-Responsive Lens

The Cambodian government has been successful in raising girls’ enrolment and academic achievement in recent years, with girls’ enrolment reaching 100% in 2021 and girls outperforming boys in reading, writing and mathematics at Grade 5 level. While this is hugely encouraging for girls’ education in the country, these statistics alone do not help...

VEUNG Naron   (2024)

Collaboration in the Cambodian TVET sector: Why does it matter?

The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has promoted collaboration between TVET institutions and the private sector for better skills provision. However, there is still scepticism about collaboration between both parties. This article employs qualitative data to investigate different forms and degrees of collaboration between training providers and...

Climate Change and Migration Patterns: Findings at the Commune Level in Rural Provinces of Cambodia

Migration forces rural people to find more and better jobs, which is key in generating incomes to sustain livelihoods and ensure food security in times of environmental change. In addition to agricultural production, climate change affects health, water, and energy resources and causes migration and conflict. The impacts of climate change on me...

CDRI   (2023)

CDRI Publications Catalog 2023

1. Cambodia Development Review2. Flagship Publications3. Working Paper Series4. Special/Research Reports5. Greater Mekong Subregion Series6. Conference Papers7. Other Publications8. Policy and Outlook Briefs 

CDRI   (2023)

Cambodia Vision 2030 and Beyond: Charting A Path for Resilient, Sustainable, and Inclusive Prosperity

The 15th Annual Cambodia Outlook Conference held on 23 November 2023 brought together 500 influential decisionmakers in government, business, development, civil society, and higher education to discuss critical topics surrounding Cambodia’s development policies. The 2023 Conference drew upon CDRI’s on-going research study entitled “Cambodia Visi...

CDRI   (2023)

How the Pandemic Affected the People Who Make Our Clothes

The garment industry in developing countries suffered huge disruptions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, with economic and social consequences that continue today. In addition to the direct effect of lockdowns, which decreased exports, the industry was severely impacted by its reliance on global imports of fabrics, raw materials and accessori...

Improving Access to Quality and Affordable Childcare Services: A win-win for Cambodian Children and Women

Why is childcare service important? Every child has the right to quality care. Public and private investment in childcare is globally considered a foundation to human capital development and economic growth. The World Bank Group defines human capital as three domains which develop throughout a person’s life: knowledge, skill, and health (T...

Connecting the Dots in TVET in Cambodia: Stakeholders and their Collaboration

Collaboration between training providers and the industry is crucial for a responsive technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system. It not only alleviates the skill mismatch problem but also contributes to better quality training provision and increases the employability of TVET graduates. Based on the findings from the “Skills for...