The Cambodian government has been successful in raising girls’ enrolment and academic achievement in recent years, with girls’ enrolment reaching 100% in 2021 and girls outperforming boys in reading, writing and mathematics at Grade 5 level. While this is hugely encouraging for girls’ education in the country, these statistics alone do not help us to understand the extent to which gender imbalances are being addressed and improved within the classroom. Therefore, together with our research partner, the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI), EDT has undertaken research to explore this issue. Specifically, we wished to interrogate the question of whether schools and classrooms in Cambodia are simply gender-sensitive and aware of gender discrimination, or whether they are moving to actively root out and address gender imbalances – demonstrating aspects of gender-responsiveness.
Link to the article: https://www.edt.org/research-and-insights/examining-improvements-to-girls-education-in-cambodia-through-a-gender-responsive-lens/