Intention to engage in research activities has probably been one of the least investigated concepts when it comes to literature on relationship among research attitudes, research behaviors and research outputs. Only few studies in the past drew on the Planned Behavior Theory to explore how research intention mediates between certain antecedent variables and research performance. Extending the previous literature, this current study aimed to use some key variables from previous theories [i.e. Planned Behavior Theory and Social Cognitive Career Theory] to predict the intention to engage in research activities of Cambodia faculty. Results from Path Analysis of 453 respondents indicated that research self-efficacy, research outcome expectation, and research interest all pose a positive, direct influence on research intention. Research interest was also detected to partially mediate the relationship between research self-efficacy and research intention. The final model (with both the direct and mediating effects) explained 39% of variation in research intention. These findings, scoped within the psychological dimensions, seemed to imply that promoting research intention and performance hinges heavily on whether participants are interested enough in research, confident enough in their ability to do research, and motivated enough to feel complicated research tasks are worth their efforts.